In Dushanbe, a 24-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of coercing minors into sexual acts, reports the capital’s Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During an investigation, Dushanbe resident Romish Sultonzoda was detained by the city police. "It has been established that Sultonzoda, using threats and violence, forced three underage girls into sexual acts. In doing so, he also used them as a source of income," the Dushanbe Police Department’s press center reports.

The Department did not provide further details.

During the investigation, it was reportedly also revealed that Sultonzoda assaulted 25-year-old I. Nasriddinova at the "Bukhoro Palace" entertainment center, causing her physical injuries. 

The man is currently in pretrial detention, and the investigation is ongoing.  According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he had previously been convicted twice for hooliganism.


Penalties for sexual violence against children

Statistics show that many cases of rape and indecent acts, including those involving minors, are not reported to law enforcement in Tajikistan.  Families often conceal such incidents, especially when involving children, due to fears of social isolation for both the victim and their family in the country’s traditional society.

In response, in November 2023, Tajikistan’s parliament tightened the punishment for indecent acts against minors.

Amendments were made to Article 142 of the Criminal Code, increasing penalties for such offenses.  A new third section was added, stipulating that actions involving two or more individuals clearly under 14 years of age are punishable by 5 to 8 years of imprisonment, with a lifetime ban on holding certain positions (previously, the maximum sentence was 5 years).

Additionally, the Criminal Code includes other articles that penalize crimes against sexual integrity. Article 138 ("Rape") carries a sentence of 7 to 12 years in prison, with repeat offenses punishable by 12 to 25 years.

Article 139 ("Violent sexual acts") provides for 7 to 10 years of imprisonment, while Article 141 ("Sexual intercourse and other sexual acts with a person under 16 years of age") regulates sexual offenses against minors and provides for 2 to 10 years of imprisonment.