The President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon has appointed his eldest son Rustam Emomali mayor of the capital. The corresponding decree was signed by the President today.

A 64-year-old Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev, the mayor of the capital, unchallenged over the past 19 years, was retired. Also all his deputies and heads of Metropolitan areas were removed.

Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev as the Chairman of the Majlisi Milli of Majlisi Oli (the upper chamber of parliament) is the second person in the state. 

To date, a 29-year-old Rustam Emomali headed the Agency for State Financial and anti-corruption. He is the youngest general in the CIS.

Rustam Emomali was born on the 19th of December, 1987. He graduated from the Tajik National University with a degree in "International Economic Relations", was a student of the Diplomatic Academy courses at the Foreign Ministry.

He worked in the Committee on Investments and State Property, as the vice-chairman of the RT Union of Youth. One of the founders and co-owners of the football club "Istiqlol", the president of the Football Federation of Tajikistan.

He is married and has three children.

Mahmadsaid Ubaydullaev was born on the 1st of February, 1952 in Kirov village of Farhor district in Khatlon region. In 1974 he graduated from the Polytechnic Institute in Kharkov (Ukraine). In 1985 - he graduated from the Higher Party School in Tashkent. He has held senior positions in the administrations of the Kulyab region. In the years 1985-1986, at age of 33 M. Ubaydullaev became the deputy chairman of the State Statistics Committee, but once returned to Kulyab. Then, down to 1990, he moved to the position of deputy chairman of the executive committee of Kulyab city.

At the 16th session of the Supreme Council of Tajikistan, which was held in Arbob Khujand palace in 1992, he supported the candidacy of Emomali Rahmonov on the republic's leadership. Ubaidulloev hold the post of deputy prime minister in the Government of Tajikistan, was responsible for the power unit. He was only 40 years old.

In 1994 M.Ubaydullaev was appointed first Deputy Prime Minister of Tajikistan. After 2 years, after the first rebellion forces, under the control of Colonel Mahmud Hudayberdiev, who established control on Fahrobod pass and threaten the safety of Dushanbe, Ubaidulloev was removed from his post. But only a few months later he was appointed to the post of head of administration of Dushanbe. After creating a bicameral system in parliament, in 2000, he was appointed Chairman of the Majlisi Milli, which he takes up to now. Thus, the last 17 years he was the second person in the state.