President Emomali Rahmon's eldest son, Rustam Emomali, who is Mayor of Dushanbe, yesterday was elected to head the Dushanbe city legislature (Majlis).

Speaking at the Dushanbe Majlis session, Emomali called on the mayor’s office to intensify work on implementation of the plan of actions dedicated to the Year of Youth, according to the mayor’s office press center.

He reportedly ordered relevant bodies to take additional measures to prevent spread of drug crime, extremism and terrorism among the Dushanbe youth.   

The 10th session of the Dushanbe city legislature also approved a number of mayor’s regulations regarding the personnel policy.

The mayor reportedly noted that all newly appointed employees are all highly-skilled specialists.

Rustam Emomali also drew attention of members of the Dushanbe city legislature to the necessity of observing sanitation norms at proper level.  

Recall, Rustam Emomali has won a seat in the Dushanbe city legislature.

According to the Dushanbe electoral commission, by-election to the Dushanbe Majlis took place in constituency # 25 on April 2 with a turnout of 86.89 percent of eligible voters.  Nominated by the ruling People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan, Rustam Emomali reportedly won with 84.81 percent of the vote, with his opponents, Fazliddin Ikromov of the Agrarian Party of Tajikistan and Hikmatullo Saidiyon of the Democratic Party of Tajikistan, garnering just 7.81 and 2.65 percent of the vote respectively. 

Rustam Emomali replaced longtime Dushanbe Mayor Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloyev, who gave up his seat on the city council in February.