President Emomali Rahmon, who is also Head of the Government, yesterday introduced staff changes to the judicial system, Prosecutor-General’s Office and the National Guard, the Tajik president’s official website says.

By president’s decrees the chairman of the Dushanbe Economic Court and the judge of the Economic Court of Khatlon Province were appointed.

Besides, by president’s decrees Bahriddin Azamatzoda was appointed Chief of Staff also First Deputy Commander of the National Guard of the Republic of Tajikistan, Lutfullo Bobozoda was appointed Deputy Commander of the National Guard for Logistical Support, and Talbidagi Davlatzoda was appointed Deputy Commander of the National Guard for Combat and Special Training.

According to the president’s official website, qualified military personnel were appointed to the positions of heads of a number of departments and commanders of some military units of the National Guard.

On February 28, the Majlisi Milli (Tajikistan’s upper chamber of parliament) approved the proposals of the President on the dismissal and appointment of the First Deputy and Deputies to the Prosecutor General, and the decrees of the President on this subject were signed on February 29.

In agreement with the President, heads of three departments of the Prosecutor-General's Office were appointed from among the qualified and experienced personnel.

Emomali Rahmon received the newly appointed officials and when summing up the activities of the mentioned structures, he reportedly drew the attention of the leaders of the Supreme Economic Court, the General-Prosecutor's Office and the National Guard to ensuring the rule of law, fighting against any violations of the law, the correct selection and appointment of personnel, increasing the level of technical knowledge, new ways and methods of prevention, determining and detection of criminality and dangers and threats disrupting peace, and gave strict orders for the performance of official duties within the framework of the law and regulatory acts of the relevant structures.