Several families from Sabzikadam village of Muchikharf Jamoat of Nurobod region, who lost their houses as a result of a mudslide, still forced to live at their relatives’. They claim local authorities do nothing to remove people to safer places.

A huge mudslide consisting of mud and stones was caused by heavy rainfalls on April 1. It caused severe damage to the valley and totally destroyed three and caused multiple damages to other houses in the village.

The disaster made Salomatsho Olimov, a 46-year-old resident of Sabzikadam village and a father of 10 children, homeless. He said the disaster totally destroyed 500 fruit trees at an area of 10 square meters.

“It was good that the mudslide occurred in the early morning since we managed to avoid casualties. Now we are forced to live together with our relatives since we have no chance to go back to our houses,” Olimov said.

He added that villagers managed to film the consequences of the disaster.

“We appealed to the local Khukumat and local emergency committee which never replied. I was forced to come to Dushanbe and I brought the disk with the video of the consequences of the disaster. I also filed an appeal to the Emergency and Civil Defense Committee under the Government of Tajikistan, but never get the reply,” he said.

Villagers who suffered as a result of the disaster urge the authorities to provide them with houses in safe place. “The local Khukumat offered us land plots in our region, but these plots are located very far and there is no vegetation. How we can use this land for agriculture?” he added.

Deputy Chief of the Tajik Government’s Emergency Committee Bahtiyer Oripov told AP that he is aware of the disaster which caused severe damage to Sabzikadam village in Nurobod region.

“We are going to contact the local emergency response unit and will urge them to check the facts once again. Later we will contact the local Khukumat and take measures,” Oripov has said.

Odinaev provided the video mentioned above to AP.