In an exclusive interview to Asia-Plus, Governor of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), Yodgor Fayzov, has spoken about the main problems facing the region.
According to him, the main problem facing the region is unemployment. “According to official data, 5,000 people in the region have been registered as unemployed, while unofficial figures show that the real number of unemployed people in the region is 17,000,” the governor said
“We have also problems with housing, development of infrastructure as well as rehabilitation and construction of roads and schools,” said Mr. Fayzov. “We even have problem with water supply. Thus, 50 percent of residents of Khorog do no have access to safe drinking water.”
“We try to resolve all these problems gradually. For example, 50 schools in the region are in a very poor state, but the President has recently signed a document on the rehabilitation of these schools or the rebuilding of them,” said GBAO governor. “Besides, rehabilitation of two sections of the roads Kulob-Shamsiddin Shohin and Yoged-Qalaikhumb has begun.”
“I have always tried and try to be honest with the people. I will not say that I am 100% honest, no one actually can be 100% honest, but I try. I try to be closer to the people. Why is it important? Because the people have seen in the face of employees of local authorities only idlers and thieves. But when I got acquainted with these officials, it turned out that 99 percent of them are honest and decent people working day and night, and just their communication with the people was cut off somewhere.”

“People like when officials communicate with them, but the most important thing is that we must tell people the truth.”
“It's useless to tell leis to people. Badakhshan is no so large region, and if you act dishonestly, deceive people, everyone will know about it immediately,” Mr. Fayzov noted.