The Russian Embassy in Dushanbe has suspended the reception of citizens on issues of obtaining citizenship. 

The Russian diplomatic mission notes on its Facebook page that the reception of citizens is suspended beginning on October 26 following the new Federal Citizenship going into force. 

Recall, the new law, which makes several changes to citizenship requirements, went into effect on October 26, 2023.

Key changes reportedly include relaxed procedures for reporting foreign citizenship or permanent residence, relaxed residency requirements for citizenship applications, changes to citizenship routes and the termination of Russian citizenship, and shorter processing times for citizenship applications.

The new law, in particular, provides for expanding the list of crimes the commission of which entails the termination of the previously acquired Russian citizenship  

Besides, in addition to permanent residence in the Russian Federation for at least five years, knowing the Russian language and providing the necessary documents, the foreign nationals wishing to become Russian citizens will also have to confirm knowledge of Russian history and Russian legislation.

This requirement does not apply to persons obtaining citizenship through a simplified procedure.

The law also spells out new grounds for deprivation of citizenship.  Thus, a person may lose Russian citizenship if he voluntarily joined the armed forces of any formations of a foreign state if it is contrary to Russia’s legislation and international agreements of the Russian Federation, deserted from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, committed actions aimed at discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, committed extremist activity or called for it.  

As it had been reported earlier, speaking at a meeting of the Russian Interior Ministry Boar, the Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev noted on October 24 that Russia is globally in the fourth place in terms of the number of migrants and “the issue of their illegal behavior is extremely urgent for our country.”  

“They must understand the rule of law over their own habits, follow rules and norms of behavior set down in Russia, respect traditions and moral values,” the minister said.  

He further noted that the Concept of State Migration Policy is currently being implemented in Russia.  

According to data from the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation, a record number of Tajiks received Russian citizenship last year – 173,634 people, which is 69,953 people more compared to 2021.  In 2021, 103,681 Tajiks received Russian citizenship.

Tajikistan tops Central Asia\s nations in terms of the number of citizens receiving Russian citizenship last year.