-- On Saturday May 18, President Emomali Rahmon received Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, who was on a two day official visit in Dushanbe, according to the Tajik president’s official website.

In the course of the talks, the parties reportedly discussed the current state and prospects of further expansion of bilateral cooperation between Tajikistan and China. 

Tajik leader expressed satisfaction with the growing trend of friendly relations and comprehensive strategic partnership between the countries and stated that Tajikistan is in favor of continuing to strengthen and expand such traditions that meet the fundamental interests of the peoples of the two countries.

It was emphasized that China is one of the great partners of Tajikistan in the fields of trade, economy and investment.  Over the last decade, China has reportedly invested 3.8 billion US dollars in Tajikistan’s economy.  

Sectors like mining, transport, energy and agriculture were outlined as areas that would drive the bilateral trade between the two countries.

The parties also discussed issues related to cultural and humanitarian cooperation between Tajikistan and China.  

They also exchanged views on cooperation in the field of security, primarily in the issues of addressing the threats and dangers of the modern world.

During the discussion of pressing global issues, great attention was paid to the strengthening of multilateral cooperation within the framework of international and regional organizations, especially within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and "Central Asia + China" format. The importance of further cooperation to support each other’s global initiatives was also emphasized, the Tajik president’s official website says.

Tajik Foreign ministry information department reports that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi yesterday met here with his Tajik counterpart Sirojiddin Muhriddin On May 19, 2024, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Sirojiddin Muhriddin.

The two reported discussed a wide range of issues of bilateral cooperation, regional security issues, the state and prospects of bilateral interaction, as well as preparations for the upcoming state visit of President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping to Tajikistan. The ministers also exchanged views on a number of regional and international issued being of mutual interest.  

At the end of the meeting, they signed the Program of Cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan and the People's Republic of China for 2025-2026.

Photo / Tajik MFA.

The Republic of Tajikistan and the People's Republic of China have friendly relations characterized by bilateral and multilateral collaboration.

The two countries established formal relations on January 4, 1992, shortly after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.  As the leader of Tajikistan, now-President Emomali Rahmon first visited Beijing in March 1993.

Tajikistan and China are active members of regional and international organizations and as a result, they closely cooperate within the frameworks of these organizations, particularly within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Because it has a border with China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region (XUAR), Tajikistan's political stability is very important to China.  China firmly supports Tajikistan's efforts to preserve its national security and stability, and it also helps Tajikistan develop its economy.

The Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Dushanbe has been functioning since March 13, 1992 and the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in Beijing was established on April 7, 1997. 

The legal foundation of the relationship between the two countries includes more than 200 interstate and intergovernmental agreements.