The District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, United States of America (USA) says a native of Tajikistan Ibodullo Muhiddinov is charged with the intent to injure, harass, intimidate, and place under surveillance another person, that is, S.K.

He reportedly used an interactive computer service, an electronic communication service, an electronic communication system of interstate commerce, and a facility of interstate and foreign commerce to engage in a course of conduct, including sending threatening voice messages to S.K. and placing S.K. under electronic surveillance, that placed S.K. in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury, and caused, attempted to cause, and would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to S.K.

Ibodullo Muhiddinov, reportedly linked to a Russian human smuggling network, has tacked his ex-wife in the United States using the AirTag

Ostorozhno Novosti, citing the US Federal Attorney’s Office, says Ibodullo Muhiddinov  was able to bring his ex-wife to the United States country through that Russian human smuggling network. 

AirTag stalking refers to the misuse of AirTags to secretly track someone without their consent.  This involves placing an AirTag on a person, their belongings, or their vehicle, allowing the stalker to monitor their location with the Find My network.