The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) continues to support small and medium-sized businesses in Tajikistan by providing funds jointly with financial partners.

The EBRD will cover 50% of the risks on a loan in the amount of $750,000, which Eskhata Bank provides to a group of companies, which includes “Grain Company LLC” and “Mevakhoi Sugd LLC”.

The funds will be provided for the development of intensive horticulture. This project is being implemented by the EBRD and Eskhata Bank under a risk sharing program signed between the two financial institutions.

The loan proceeds will help the group of companies to implement an investment program aimed at expanding the horticultural sector through the purchase of specialized equipment.

This is the first time the EBRD has supported a project of this kind in Tajikistan. It will increase the production of stone fruits for export, using modern intensive horticulture methodology.

To date, the EBRD has invested €930 million in the Tajik economy through 157 projects.