During the police operation, dubbed “Knife”, conducted by police in Dushanbe over the first six months of this year, 51 knives, seven brass knuckles, one electric shocker, two bats and one axe have been confiscated from young men and teens, says the Dushanbe Police Directorate press center.  

“Of them, 60 items have been confiscated from teens, which is alarming.  Administrative protocols were drawn up against their parents in accordance with Article 90 of the country’s Code of Administrative Offenses,” says a statement released by the Dushanbe Police Directorate press center. 

Despite repeated warnings about responsibility for raising teenagers and administrative penalties, cases of carrying bladed weapons by teenagers and young men do not stop.  

Thus, the 19-year-old Muhammadrofe Khudoinazarov was arrested in Dushanbe yesterday for carrying a knife.  It is noted that he has come to the attention of the police more than once. 

The Dushanbe Police Directorate says a knife was found and confiscated from Khudoinazarov and he arrested this time. 

Operation "Knife" has been carried out since 2019 to identify and remove from the population, especially from young people knives, brass knuckles, stun guns, bats, etc.