Two young men were detained by the OMVD of the Abdurakhmon Dzhomi district of the Khatlon region on suspicion that they wrote "appeals and threats" on the walls of a store, a school and a barbershop in the village of Yakkatut in this area.

According to Ozodi Radio, the authorities do not provide official information, but a source in the district khukumat confirmed the information that the young people were detained on August 22.

The source did not disclose the details of the case, referring to the alleged secrecy stamp and the fact that he does not have permission to communicate with the press.

Radio attempts to contact the relatives of the detainees or to obtain detailed information from the local police department were unsuccessful.

Ozodi's sources, who are aware of the circumstances of the detention, reported that the incident occurred in early August.

"On the walls of the Gorky school, a shop and a barbershop in the village of Yakkatut, there were inscriptions "change phone numbers and your accounts" and "we will burn the houses of those who "sell" us to the authorities," one of them explained.

The same source noted that "the identity of the young people was established on August 18 using CCTV cameras on the school building." One of the detainees is 23 years old.

"Two weeks ago, employees of the Department of Internal Affairs and representatives of the jamoat gathered the parents and harshly put before them the question of assistance in the search for suspects. But even after the suspects are detained, police officers still go home, conduct interrogations, and conduct an investigation," the source said.

It is unknown what the motives of these young people's actions are and what these inscriptions have to do with.