Internationally known poet and novelist Timur Zulfiqorov has become the winner of the Ivan Bunin Award.
The Ivan Bunin Award is given to Timur Zulfiqorov for his work Zolotye Pismena Lyubvi (The Golden Letters of Love).
Zolotye Pismena Lyubvi is a new book about love that was published in Moscow this year. The book contains both old and new novels written by Timur Zulfiqorov in the village of Zimchuroud, Varzob district in Tajikistan over the past two years. The writer is currently living in Zimchuroud.
The award ceremony will take place at the Moscow University for the Humanities on October 24.
Timur Zulfiqorov is an internationally known Russian / Tajik poet, playwright, and novelist. He was born in Dushanbe on August 17, 1936.
Russia’s publishing house, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, in 2010 nominated the novel by Timur Zulfiqorov Stoyashchiy i Rydayushchiy sredi Begushchikh Vod (Standing and Sobbing in the Rushing Waters) for a Nobel Prize in Literature.
Written in 1993, Stoyashchiy i Rydayushchiy sredi Begushchikh Vod is a novel about love during civil war.
Ivan Bunin (October 22, 1870 – November 8, 1953) was the first Russian writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was noted for the strict artistry with which he carried on the classical Russian traditions in the writing of prose and poetry. The texture of his poems and stories, sometimes referred to as "Bunin brocade", is considered to be one of the richest in the language.