Procured through funds raised from private donations, 600 sets of a relief package containing a mattress, pillow, blanket, linen, towels and hygiene kit have been handed over by Caritas Switzerland to the Emergencies Committee under the Government of Tajikistan to support fleeing Afghan citizens seeking possible refuge in Tajikistan.
According to press release issued by Caritas on November 19, the packages aim to provide a modicum of comfort to vulnerable refugees - particularly women, children and the elderly - arriving within cold wintery conditions.
Given limited public resources to provide immediate humanitarian relief, Caritas Switzerland is also preparing for longer-term cooperation with the Emergencies Committee through leveraging and cross-leveraging other investments made, in the realization that the crisis in Afghanistan may be protracted for several years.
This necessarily includes modalities for securing food and nutrition to support refugees that may be accommodated by the Government of Tajikistan within national borders.
Caritas Switzerland is a Swiss NGO, founded in 1901 with headquarters in Lucerne, Switzerland. Caritas Switzerland assists people in need within more than 50 countries abroad as well as in Switzerland. Caritas Switzerland has been active in Tajikistan since 1996. Within its country program strategy for 2021-2025, contextually relevant approaches for inclusive, effective and sustainable weather-water-climate services are developed and institutionalized for tangible improvements in human and environmental well-being within rural communities.